Wednesday 22 September 2010

God is a God of Love, Healing and Hope...

It was what it was. The evidence is there. The hurt has been felt. But forgiveness has come. Resentment has been overcome. Hearts have been mended.

Moving on from a love relationship is difficult at any time. Moving on from one where there was an ocean separating both parties is even more difficult. It was what it was. He and I share our memories. He and I are now recovering from our hurt.

Does it take a strong person to still love and care for someone whom they adored and wanted to spend the rest of their life with? Even with the hurt? Yes, I believe it does. I believe it takes God's love and grace to be able to do so. And that is what I felt last night.

Healing. Restoration. Closure. New promise. Hope.

Healing from a God who loves me as far as the east is from the west.
Restoration from a God who believes that His children deserve a complete and full heart of love.
Closure on a period of my life where God was always present.
New promise of a future living as God intended me to live.
Hope for whatever He brings my way next.

God is a God of love. Complete love. Fulfilling love. Grace-filled love.

Never under-estimate the power of His love for you. I never knew this love in it's completeness. I never fully understood it. Not until I learnt how to love myself how He loves me.


  1. Love this Paula. It is so full of hope for an amazing future! This is so good: "God is a God of love. Complete love. Fulfilling love. Grace-filled love.

    Never under-estimate the power of His love for you. I never knew this love in it's completeness. I never fully understood it. Not until I learnt how to love myself how He loves me."

  2. Beauty.... Praise God! God is such an overwhelming awesome God!

  3. Amen! There is nothing like His amazing love! Bless you as you lean in on His love even more!

    Love ya!
