About Paula

Read about What I Believe about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit here...

“I'm loved by God. A lover of Jesus. Blessed by the gift of my daughter. Thankful for my family. Enriched through my friends. Walking with the Spirit, and finding peace in only He who matters.” – Paula C. Whitehouse

I am “...God's own cherished child whom He loves without measure."
- Shannon Ethridge (from Completely His)

My name is Paula C. Whitehouse.  On writing this I am a 46 year old single mum of an 11 year old daughter. I grew up in Burnie, Tasmania, Australia and I am the only daughter and middle child of my beloved parents who have been married for 50 years! I have 2 brothers who each in turn are married with children. 

After leaving Tasmania 23 years ago I have settled in Brisbane, Queensland and currently work part-time at an outside school hours care centre, do virtual assistant work, and study a Bachelor of Applied Science (started in 2014) while also raising my daughter. I was married at 20 and divorced at 28. After that I met and lived with my daughter’s father until life took its toll on our relationship and we separated prior to her second birthday. I am now enjoying life as a solo parent, and I make no bones about the fact that I know God has a purpose for me because I am today exactly where I am meant to be!

I am an eclectic person who needs to learn about EVERYTHING! I love learning and discovering. I also love sharing with others (hence the blog page name) and helping people where and when I can. My current season sees me enjoying that freedom of overcoming depression and anxiety (while not medication free, as yet) after suffering two nervous breakdowns, and also dealing with body aches and pains similar to fibromyalgia. I am an artist (check out my "I'm an Artist!" tab for more information) and I love reading, writing, photography, drawing, knitting, crocheting, watching movies and sleeping! All of which I don't find the time to do now that I'm studying!

I became a Christian at 14 years of age after spending my whole life attending church with my family. I stopped going to church at 18 when discos (as they were then called!), alcohol, men, and freedom from my parents became more appealing. Fast forward 18 years and I returned to church at the aged of 36. Over the last 8 years I’ve grown closer to my Heavenly Father and Saviour Jesus, and have also welcomed the Holy Spirit into my life, who plays a very active part in keeping me on track!

“I gave my heart to Jesus and then took it back. He never took His back. He waited. He loved. I returned many years later. He opened His arms. Now that's love.” – Paula C. Whitehouse

I went to school until Grade 10 and started working as a sweet and innocent little 15 and a half year old. I have studied on and off over the years, but never anything to say I have “quals” to get paid more. My current path of study will lead me to work in a field where I can tangibly help others through counselling, social work, etc.

I’ve feel that I've had a very interesting life and while it’s been tough at times it certainly has been worthwhile; it’s brought me closer to God after all.

I pray that my life experiences and love for God bless your life as much as they have, and continue to, bless mine!

Paula xo

26 November, 2016

Published in/at:
Best of Life eMagazine: Learning Simplicity as a Single Mum - Volume 9, 2012, pp 24-25
I shared a life lesson at PrincessWarriors Lessons - November 2011
Footprints Magazine for Australian Christian Women - various articles submitted since 2009
Exemplify Online & Magazine feature article on Living Holy - August, 2009
Exemplify Online & Magazine single mother blogs - 2009
The Lazy Christian Friendly Friday - May 13, 2011

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate someone willing to share their relationship with God..ups and downs. Thank you for being open.
