Thursday 9 April 2009

Sunday's Coming...

On the eve of Good Friday here in Australia, I want to share this video that was sent in a Tangle email today. Over this Easter weekend folk will spend time with family, go away on holiday, enjoy sumptuous meals and even over-indulge in other areas; me however, I will delight in time spent with my Lord and Saviour, enjoy the gift of my daughter and eagerly anticipate growth as God's Girl. And why? Because of Jesus and His ultimate sacrifice for me and for us.

"The story of Jesus Christ's crucifixion is one of betrayal, brutality, despair, and pain. Yet we know even before His death that redemption was promised to be coming soon. We know that the story does not end at the cross. We know what many did not realize -- that Sunday's comin'." -
Igniter Media Group


  1. Thank you for sharing dear sister and I agree with you that this weekend is a time to spend with our Lord and those we love.

    The Lord is just amazing and I love Him so. I pray a beautiful weekend for you and your daughter.

    Love you.

  2. Awesome, Paula.

    I am so broken by what He did for me.

    May your Easter be filled with the joy of HIs presence.

  3. I just heard this yesterday for the first awesome!
    love ya,
