Monday, 13 April 2009

He Never Let Go...

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." - Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV)

I did...but He never did. That is why He is my Saviour


  1. I let go too...for many years. It's sad that we don't realize our help is right there with us all of the time!

  2. This is special. I am so thankful that JESUS never let go of me; of us Paula. He is so amazing. There were times I pulled my hand from His in my early years and times when I may have tried to tug it away but HE NEVER LET GO OF ME and I am so so so so thankful.

    Bless you and your beautiful daughter.

  3. Shedding tears of joy for my Saviour, Jesus Christ.

    Yes, I've let go... but HE never did. And yes, that is WHY HE IS my Saviour!

    AMEN & Amen!!!

  4. "I did, but He never did. That is why He is my Savior."

    Your words traveled to the center of my being, Paula. Thank you for reminding me of this magnificent truth.

  5. LOVE it. You know how to share the encouragement.
