Friday 11 October 2013

BF2013: What God is Teaching Me...

I’ve always loved doing Bible studies. My first online Bible study was the book, “Behind Those Eyes” by Lisa Whittle. It was hosted by Lelia Chealey at her Write from the Heart blog page. Lelia is an amazing women and I love her to bits! Her testimony was integral in me walking closely with Jesus again after an 18 year side track! You can find Lelia here. She will bless you no end!
Since that study I have completed quite a few others. As a solo mother of a now nine year old daughter, I have found it difficult to secure a home/connect/life group through both the churches I have attended over the last eight years. Online Bible studies have filled that void, and I am ever so thankful for it. Who says that the internet isn’t good for something! Studies I’ve done include Beth Moore, Micca Campbell, Jennifer Rothschild, just to name a few.
At the moment I am studying “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” by Lysa TerKeurst through Proverbs 31 Ministries, and also “Read the Bible for Life” by George H. Guthrie via the Women’s Bible Cafe. While the “Yes to God” study has officially finished online, I am still working through it alongside the “Read the Bible” study as the studies overlapped each other. “Yes to God” is a book/Bible study whereas “Read the Bible” is a more formalised study book. I am thoroughly enjoying doing both studies and find myself eager for my daughter to go to bed each evening so I can sit down at my dining table with a cup of tea and study.
What I’ve learnt so far is that God is enough. He will take care of me. And, most importantly, I’m learning that He will only provide what He knows that I need.

As I’ve blogged about many times here, I always thought that I would be complete when I found Mr Right, married, had children and lived happily ever after. Man oh man, was I wrong! I’ve since learnt that Mr Right is Jesus, that I married Mr Wrong and now choose to be single, and that I was pre-destined to be the solo parent to a beautiful daughter. The only part that has come true is that I will be living happily ever after…in eternity with Jesus.
It’s a comforting thought. While I once was scared to death at the thought of dying, I now am not. I know that my sins are forgiven and that I will spend eternity in Heaven. While my death may be painful, it may also be painless, and only God knows which. I am ready. And before anyone gets worried…No, I do not have an undisclosed illness (that I am aware of anyway). I’m merely stating that I am at peace with my life and my death. And that is all because of God and the work He has done in me over the last eight years.
What I’ve also learnt is that unless you really delve into God’s Word, you really are kidding yourself when it comes to living the life He has planned for you to its fullest!
There is SO MUCH to be learned by reading the Bible. And I mean by really reading and studying the Bible and learning the history behind the Jewish people and their customs. By learning about and understanding God through what is written in both testaments.
The Bible is an amazing book. It is cram packed with stories, insights and experiences. The sad fact is that many people today see them as just that - stories, not unlike fairy tales. But they are not. There are no fairy tales within the pages of God’s Word. It’s a glorious truth that can set you free. I have only just skimmed the surface of the Bible with my studying. There is so much more to learn.
The greatest lesson that God is teaching me through my Bible study is that He is the centre of it all - life, love, experiences, thoughts, actions…just everything really.
I still have a lot, and I mean A LOT, to learn from God. And I am so very thankful that I am on this journey and that, through these two latest Bible studies, I am finally aware of, and at peace with, the love that God has for me.

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