Tuesday 21 July 2009

What I'm Learning...

A lot!

From God's perfect faithfulness in Isaiah 25:1, to how He helps when the enemy attacks in Psalm 86. From how Christ did not please himself in Romans 15:3a, and how I need to submit myself to God in James 4.

So many lessons! So much relevance! So much thankfulness!

The stand out lesson has been through Daniel and how he "purposed in his heart..." (Daniel 1:8 NKJV) to honour God. I have never read a devotional that was so relevant before until I read one from UCB Australia on the 17/7/09. Life doesn't always go the way I want it to. I will face opposition and hardship. It's how I react to those things that matters. If I take control in small things and leave the big things to God, then the journey I'm on will be a smoother one.

As I said ... so many lessons! So much relevance! So much thankfulness!

From these gems above to the wisdom gleaned from Liz Curtis Higgs book, Embrace Grace and Charles R. Swindoll's A Life Well Lived. Then there are emails from my wonderful friend Lelia sharing what she has learnt! I have been blessed ... and blessed ... and blessed. I cannot just post on one thing, as there are so many things that He is showing me. It's kind of doing my head in, but tonight I've felt some clarity of mind, so hence this post!

The importance of focussing on Jesus and the life He lived. Of staying close to God and remembering His strength in my weakness. And of living as one in the world but not of the world.

Again ... so many blessings. So many lessons learnt after the fact. The best way to learn at times!

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You so much for the blessings that you bestow upon me. Thank you for standing by me as I go through the trials of this life I live. Thank you for comforting me when I need it most. Thank you for reminding me that while I'm on this earth, I am not alone as you are with me. Thank you mostly for taking on board my frustrations, confusion, misunderstandings and dilemmas and returning to me only peace and understanding. In Jesus' Wonderful Name, Amen.


  1. Yes, Lord! All I can say is "Yes, Lord!"

  2. The more I learn, the more I see I don't know anything except that our God reigns. xoxo
