Wednesday 6 November 2013

Not Easily Broken...

"I have come to learn that when He is at the centre of a friendship, a book, a thought, a connection, a dream etc - it is NOT easily broken!" - Bronwen Healy

"And if someone overpowers one person, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not easily broken." - Ecclesiastes 4:12 HCSB

My friend Bronwen posted the above quote and verse on Facebook last night, and it was an answer to prayer for me. The day before I had asked God to guide me in regard to a particular relationship in my life. One that has caused me no end of stress and hurt, but one that keeps, and I believe through the grace of God, staying strong regardless of the circumstances.

I believe that this quote and verse is an answer to that prayer, and a reminder (it was more like a boom to the heart actually) that because He is at the centre of this relationship, that it is to continue whether I like it or not.

Over the last week I have been able to work through many aspects of this relationship. I've learnt a lot about myself by opening up to the other person about my deep seeded feelings. I felt God's healing wash over me as I typed out the words.

I brought me to a new place. A healthy place. A place where I have realised that I am no longer dependent on another human being for my happiness. That Jesus is enough, and that through Jesus I can keep the human desires under control.

It's a freeing revelation.

When my marriage first broke up 16 years ago my auntie rang one night at around 10pm after I'd prayed to God to help me. I had been in Brisbane for not quite a year. I only had a couple of friends. I was lost. My auntie quoted Ecclesiastes 4:12 and it's the one verse that has stuck with me over the years while I was pursuing relationships where the cord of three strands was not present.

With this current day relationship, it is. It's a complicated relationship. It's one that has brought me closer to Jesus. It's one that I cannot see going away. It's one that has developed into a friendship that will last a lifetime and into eternity.

This new revelation also brings me to realise that another friendship that went awry late last year has been restored because there is a cord of three strands holding it together. God is good like that. And I am thankful.

God's power cannot be broken or thwarted when He is at the centre. These two friendships that have been restored and renewed are proof of that; because God is at the centre.

God is good.

For more reading on the topic of the cord with three strands, please see here.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! The friendships that stand the test of time only last because He is in the centre of them.
