Thursday 19 April 2012

My Big Mistake Eraser...

I walked passed Smiggle tonight and saw this enormous eraser in the window and it made me think of my Big Mistake Eraser ... Jesus.

I've made some big mistakes in's that feel like I'm still paying for now. But seeing this eraser tonight was a reminder that I don't have to pay for my mistakes because Jesus did.

Instead, what I'm dealing with now is what His already knew would happen to me; stuff that He knew I could handle. Sometimes I wonder if I can handle the tough stuff, but then I get another reminder in that I don't have to as God has it covered

I love how I get reminders of His strength and goodness just when I need it most. How about you?

Paula xo


  1. Love how God can speak to us (you) through the most ordinary things!

  2. Love that we all have that giant eraser for our mistakes.
