Wednesday 13 April 2011

More Gifts to Bless Me...

I'm thoroughly enjoying listing my gifts. It wasn't until I started listing my gifts from God that I realised just how truly blessed I am. Even the smallest thing can make me smile and remember that God is in everything! Here are some more gifts... 41. Being able to meet Jasmine's school friends.

42. Delighting in the innocence, chubbiness and joyful eyes of a gorgeous African baby boy at Jasmine's school.

43. "Meeting" an adorable quaker at the pet store.

44. Kindle for PC so I can buy and read books without visiting the bookstore.

45. Pied butcherbirds that sing outside my window.

46. McDonald's for emergency meals.

47. Heaving Jasmine read the Book of Jonah to me from the NLT!

48. Revelations from the Book of Romans. Thank you Paul!

49. Peace in my heart, mind and soul.

50. Being single and loving it!

51. A healthy and intelligent daughter.

52. Financial provision just in the knick of time.

53. Connecting with my niece on Facebook.

54. Giving up coffee...and chocolate (well, most of the time!).

55. Giving up soft drink (aka soda, pop).

56. Relief from nearly all fibromyalgia pain.

57. Tasting freedom!

58. Aromatic blooms outside my bedroom window.

59. An amicable "working relationship" with Jasmine's father after 5 years of separation.

60. Bamboo for always making me smile by its serene appearance and woody, hollow sound. (Odd, I know, but it's the little things that make me smile!)

How are you going with your list?

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you counting. It is as we count the blessings give a second and third time, seeping into our souls. xx
