Wednesday 30 March 2011

More Gifts From God...

Here is the next instalment of gifts that God has blessed me with. As I type this I can hear crows having conversations in the trees and it delights my soul. So, to continue on...

21. Delightful cloud formations at sunset.

22. The Maker's Moon that keeps the sky light at night (I'm scared of the dark, although I'm overcoming it.)

23. Fresh water to drink.

24. Amazing friends who accept me as I am.

25. Bandannas and ball caps to hide bad hair days.

26. Hats to hide all hair sins!

27. Photos of Jasmine that remind me of each stage of her precious life.

28. Beautiful movies that remind me that love exists and romance is still alive.

29. Visiting the pet store and enjoying God's creatures.

30. Smiling at babies and having them smile back.

31. Friends who encourage me.

32. Watching Jasmine sleeping.

33. Silence.

34. Facebook for connecting with friends, old and new and near and far.

35. Twitter for living and learning in under 140 characters.

36. Blogging for sharing my life with those who know God and those who need God.

37. Photography for being able to capture God's beautiful creation with just one click.

38. Dog breeds that don't make me stop being able to breathe and swallow (always a bonus to be able to do both those things!).

39. God's faithfulness and love.

40. A butterfly learning to use its wings outside my kitchen window.

I am so blessed!

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