Saturday 2 April 2011

Learning Simplicity As a Single Mother...

As single mums, one of the main focuses is on what is in front of us on a daily basis. Whether you work in or out of the home, as I do, maintaining an organised house is important. I consider myself blessed to only have one child, so my heart goes out to other single mums who have more children! Life can be tough enough without having to worry about how clean the floor is, when the bed sheets were last changed, and so on, when all your kiddies want is some time with mum!

Ponder Simplicity I’m not sure why, but when pondering biblical examples about simplicity I thought about when Jesus sent the twelve disciples out. They were told in Luke 9:3 (NIV) to “Take nothing for the journey – no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra tunic.” Now while we as single mums cannot go without such things, we can minimise the material possessions we have to make life simpler.

Make Adjustments I am guilty of having the buying bug over the last few years and now parts of my house have that ‘lived in’ looked (aka an organised mess). I need to cull, cleanse, tidy, organise, simplify and streamline. It will make my house tidier, give it a clean and fresh feel, and will mean less dusting!

But that is just one area that we as single mums can make adjustments in. Others areas include:

- Buying clothes that are easy to launder and require minimal or no ironing
- Eating easy to prepare and healthy meals that both mums and kids alike will eat
- Having a routine that is both practical and flexible; allowing for change as the children get older and more self-reliant
- Introducing a team mentality to the household. Get the kids to help out with age specific chores as soon as possible and make them fun.

Step Out in Faith While these are only a few of the ideas that can make life at home for a single mum more bearable, one really important thing we can all do is what the disciples did when they were sent out; step out in faith.. They were sent out on a faith mission. Jesus gave them supernatural powers to heal the sick and work many miracles. While we may not actually do those things, our responsibility towards our children is our mission and I believe that God is imploring us to step out in faith and rely on Him to find some single mum simplicity in our lives.

Do Not Worry Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:25-34 (NIV) specifically to not worry about anything, yet many of us do. Despite the circumstances as to why we are now single mothers, we are reminded here that we are valuable.

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?” – Matthew 6:25 (NIV)

Seek God for Clarity Spend some time with Him today and ask how you can simplify your life. Look at each aspect of your day and make a list of what you deem necessary and unnecessary. What jobs around the house can your kids help with or take over? What meals take too long to prepare and even longer to clean up?

Dear Lord, thank You for providing all our needs and making us more valuable than the sparrows of the air. I pray that as we travel on this journey that you show us what is necessary and what is not. In Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen.

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