Sunday, 27 September 2009

It's Not About Trying, It's About Trusting...

Yes, I'm still here everyone! I seem to have hit a dry patch with my writing lately. Life has had it's fill of ups and downs recently and thus has caused my brain to go to moosh! But the more challenges that come my way, the more I'm learning, hence why I'm posting now.

I feel the need to share a snippet of a children's Bible story that I read to Jasmine earlier tonight. I love how I get the Word put on me so simply through her nightly Bible reading. Tonight's story was about Saul/Paul and his conversion. Here is the paragraph that moved me -

""It's not about keeping the rules!" Paul told people. "You don't have to be good at being good for God to love you. You just have to believe what Jesus has done and follow him. Because it's not about trying, it's about trusting. It's not about rules, it's about Grace: God's free gift - that cost him everything."

What happened to Paul? He met Jesus."

I love this! As I was reading it, I could feel the Holy Spirit telling me to lose my wrong attitude and ways of thinking and to just trust. And for me to stop trying to do the right thing all the time and just let God love me!

I have always tried to do the right thing, and as I fail miserably at that, one would think that at my age I would know better than to do so. But no ... not me. It seems I'm a slow learner. Hence why this reading from "The Jesus Storybook Bible" has reminded me that it's not about me, it's about Him. Trusting in Him because of all He did for me ... sending His only Son to die on the cross for my sins. He has let my sins (and my past) go, and so must I.

It's time to move on from self and embrace Him more.


  1. Hi Paula!
    I'm just getting back into Blogland after a difficult summer. I'm having great fun catching up with folks. It's good to "see" you again:)
    This post really spoke to my heart this morning. "You don't have to be good at being good for God to love you." Remembering this has always been a struggle for me. Satan uses this issue to lie and discourage me, especially when I am tired or stressed (ie, MOST of the time). I love the simple truth in your daughter's storybook Bible. Have a blessed week!
    PS-Due to a site crash, my place has moved to Stop by anytime:)

  2. Paula,

    You have no idea how much this post touched my heart.

    Lord Jesus, thank You for the reminder that I need stop trying to do the right thing all the time and to just trust You. Please forgive me Father God. I accept it. Thank You in Jesus' name, amen.

  3. Paula this is beautiful. I don't know how many times I catch myself 'trying and not trusting.'

  4. Hey! I have missed you! I love this little snippet from your story. Don't you just love children's books? they just know how to get to the point, don't they?

    Hope all is well in your world, sweet friend. Sending hugs.

  5. Love the children's version of this passage. Not about being good for God to love me/us but about following and immulating Him.

  6. amen amen amen..I keep singing the song from my blog..It's not about me Jesus, it's all about You....

    I have shared so many times with the ladies at my bible study on Monday nights..'It's His doing working in my life. The harder I TRY, the more I fail. The more I hand over my life to Christ, the more I am able to go about my day with peace and joy. He truly must increase, and I must decrease.

