Saturday 21 March 2009

That's My King...

There are no words to add with this one...


  1. Hi Paula,

    I've been absent from blog reading, so I was catching up. I've been thinking of you, and Jasmine. I've not even been on facebook lately, just been smaller windows of time.

    I saw your comment and thought you might need a venting ear. Here is my email you can vent anytime, and of course let me know how I can pray for you. It's 3dcaligirl at gmail dot com.

    Anyway I loved your earlier post on preparing your heart for Easter. It's so important without Easter we would all be lost to our sin with know way to our King. He is so mighty. I love Easter, and Good Friday deep reflection and then our church has a huge celebration on Easter Sunday.

    This year we are going to a play put on by another church here. We go every year, but it's amazing, but this is the first time we'll go on Good Friday. It's always starts from the time of Jesus baptisim and goes all the way through. Full blown, he's on the cross and all. Then to his resurection. They do it from different perspectives each year. Last year was the view from the women at the well, and the adultress they were going to stone. Still gives me chills. This year is from Peter's view. We take Brinn, and try to bring a family that needs to see Jesus.

    Well I have rambled. I miss ya.

    Love ya,

  2. Hi Paula! That was one very powerful video indeed. So incredibly impacting. Thank you so much for sharing it. I'll be sharing it with my all my boys tomorrow... I finally got round to 'accepting' you on you-know-what!!! Not, that I spend that much time on there, but hey, it'll be good for the odd, maybe easier, catch-up. Have a great start to the week! Naomi x

  3. I got cold chills watching and listening to this video. I found a few different versions. I'm going to post this to my blog also. I'll post another one that's a bit longer and uses video footage from "The Passion of The Christ". Praise the LORD!

  4. Thank you for sharing this video. My husband loved it so much when he first saw it he bought it. We have it on DVD.

    Found you from Kimberly's blog.
