Sunday 4 March 2012

Be Strong and Courageous...

Yes, this IS my 400th post and yes, I am supposed to offer a giveaway, but I'm not. I'm leaving that until the next post! Why? It's because the message in this post is more important. It's one that God is hammering home to me. His Truth.

It's about being strong and courageous. It's about never, ever forgetting that He will never, ever change who He is, lie to me, betray me, belittle me, abandon me, forget me, nor leave me.

It's about this...

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NIV

It's about the fact that I can rely on Him for the kind of love that I yearn for. That I can trust Him. That I will always be able to rely on Him for anything and everything. That I know He has my best interests at heart.

There are so many reasons why I love the Lord and all that He has done for me

One important thing, however, that I can do for myself is keep reminding myself that my past does not account for who I am now. That it's OK to make errors in judgement and wrong choices, because God is all over them. That's it's OK to feel how I feel, but that I'm to give those feelings to Him so that He can make clear in my heart why I'm feeling them.

There is just so much, but the most important thing is to remember to be strong and courageous, to not be afraid or discouraged, and that He is with me wherever I go and in whatever I do.


  1. I found myself wanting to shout out, 'Yes! Yes! Yes!" so many times as I read this. xo

    1. Thank you sweet sister of mine. Love you. xo

  2. Praise God! I could have written this myself... we have much in common sister! Thanks for the word of truth today! Have a happy week and congrats on your 400th post!!!
