Friday, 3 October 2014

Blogtoberfest2014: Day 3 - Fauna Friday

Yesterday I had what I call the privilege of rescuing a blue-tongued lizard from my next door neighbours yard and their two Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs. While the pooches were only barking at the lizard, old bluey was giving as good as he got. I've been scared of dogs for the majority of my life, but since becoming a mum I have become brave for my daughter's sake...and mine!

So, after hearing the commotion next door and seeing the problem, I armed myself with my trusty broom and headed over. The broom was partly to help usher the lizard away from the dogs, but also as a support in case the dogs jumped up on me (they almost pushed me over the last time I had to go into the yard).

In I went and thankfully the dogs were more interested in the lizard than me! I then "helped" the lizard up the side of the house and under the gate. With the dogs safely behind the gate, I looked in a nearby drum and found a plastic watering can. Much to the lizard's dislike I pushed him into the can and took him home.

After placing the can into a plastic tub and providing some vegetables I tried to coax the lizard out, but he was having no part of it. I took the can over in front of my garden shed and placed it on its side on the lawn. I usually have a resident blue-tongued lizard in my shed but noticed it was absent a few days ago. I hoped that this lizard was it. After a moment or two, the lizard gingerly exited the can and walked nonchalantly into the shed. I think it was my resident. He seemed to recognise his home.

To say I was blessed by this encounter is an understatement. God's creatures are truly a blessing.

In Him Always,


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